El fenómeno judío

¿Cuántos de los intelectuales influyentes que conocemos son judíos? ¿De los economistas? ¿De los filósofos? ¿De los políticos? Kafka, Freud, Horkheimer, Adorno, Stiglitz, Friedman, von Mises, Marx, Kissinger, Chomsky, Zinn, Spielberg, Kubrick, Einstein… Poco a poco me he ido dando cuenta de que son un elevado porcentaje. Es increíble. El número aumenta exponencialmente cuando hablamos de personajes de descendencia judía, es decir, con “algo” de sangre judía (perdóname, Sforza, las simplificaciones son útiles). Hoy la marea me ha llegado a los cerebros: Fernando Pessoa, uno de mis pocos dioses, también. “He wrote also under the pseudonyms of Alvaro de Campos (“first engineer on a tanker, who wears a monocle and is of Jewish extraction, as was Pessoa himself…”. Only extraction, but anyway.



“His family was a middle-class with a mixture of aristocratic Jewish and Azorean descent”. ¿Cómo es posible? Expertos me han respondido: “Contrary to widespread belief [siempre, siempre es así: al contrario de lo que te imaginas, hombre ignorante], the large majority of Spanish Jewry did no leave the Iberian peninsula following the Expulsion order of 1492. The majority converted, and most of those who refused to convert went to Portugal,where they were not given the option of going into exile following the Royal decree that ordered the conversion of Portuguese Jewry several years later. So most of Iberian Jewry simply melted into the larger Iberian population, particularly into its middle and upper classes. Most of the people in these classes, even today, have “some Jewish blood,” as is the case for much of the Caucasian populations of Brazil and Mexico. So it’s never quite clear what is meant when prominent Hispanics are said to be descended from Conversos, Marranos, etc.” Si os interesa saber más nombres, http://www.jinfo.org/

Por cierto, hay algunas sorpresas…

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